Commodore lieutenant Stanislaw Hryniewiecki Primary School no. 9 in Slupsk was founded in 1957. There are now almost 250 students aged 6 to 13 in the institution. The school is named after a navy captain who commanded Polish warships during WW II and therefore maritime traditions constitute an important part of the curriculum. Our teachers also teach in hospital wards where children with serious injuries have to stay for longer periods.
Yet, school is not only connected with learning; it’s also the centre of cultural life and means for propagating traditions, customs, etc. The most important school events include:
- The National Shanty Festival;
- The National Maritime Arts Competition;
- The National Maritime Journalist Competition;
- The Marine IT Contest;
- The Seafaring Test;
- The ceremony of children admittance to School Community.
- See Gallery
In the picture: Commemorative plaque founded on the 15th anniversary of the school. On that occasion the school was named after Stanislaw Hryniewiecki.
Szkola Podstawowa nr 9 im. Kmdra por. Stanislawa Hryniewieckiegow Slupsku
ul. Malachowskiego 9
76-200 SLUPSK
Telephone/Fax: +48 59 842 27 86; +48 59 840 06 10
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